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Units of me: all that I think I am

The Astropy Project: An Introduction for Beginners

There are many resources I can point you to that talks about what the Astropy project is, like this and this but in my own words, if astronomy is the universe and python is a galaxy, then Astropy is one of it’s stars with planets of other astronomical affiliated packages revolving around it. Sorry if…


Everybody struggles!!! I mean even coming up with this article was a big struggle for me. It’s been 5 weeks since I started my internship with Open Astronomy. My work is majorly around enhancing the infrastructure for astroquery. Infrastructure in this context mostly refers to the generic parts of astroquery that are used by multiple…

Units of me

I am Tinuade, Tinu for short but my friends call me Unit 😉. I’m from Nigeria where I grew up in the ever bustling city of Lagos. When I was young I wanted to be everything a doctor, a lawyer, an economist, and even a police officer 😂😂😂. I started a couple of businesses that…

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